Evidence-informed, family-centred, community-building



Frequently Asked Questions

  • You do not have to pay anything for midwifery services in BC if you are a resident with a valid Care Card through MSP. If you do not have BC health insurance, you may have to pay for services if you do not plan to apply for health insurance. Please contact us to discuss costs if you do not have a BC care card; we do not want cost to be a barrier to accessing care.

  • The BC Medical Services Plan (MSP) covers only one primary care provider for the duration of your pregnancy and birth for healthy pregnancies. The choice of caregiver during your pregnancy is up to you. Midwives are experts in healthy pregnancy and normal birth and consult with family doctors and other specialists such as obstetricians as the need arises.

    You cannot see both Willow Midwives and the South Okanagan Maternity Centre for your care. You will see an obstetrician alongside your midwife for your pregnancy if your pregnancy becomes complicated.

  • Yes. Our midwives have privileges at Penticton Regional Hospital. On average, 70% of births attended by midwives occur in hospitals. Whether you choose to have your baby at home or in hospital is your choice. We are happy to support families wherever they are most comfortable.

  • Yes. Midwives offer a range of natural and medical pain relief options, including access to epidurals. These options are discussed during prenatal visits as well as during prenatal classes.

  • At Willow, you will have 1-2 midwives that you get to know throughout your pregnancy—one of these midwives is who will attend your birth. There are 4 midwives at Willow, and you may occasionally hear from or see another midwife if your midwife is at another birth or sleeping.

  • Yes, registered midwives offer a complete panel of prenatal laboratory tests, genetic screening and diagnosis options, ultrasound imaging and many other tests and procedures for clients and newborns. A midwife's scope of practice includes the use of many medications that may be indicated in pregnancy, during labour, and following birth. If medication or testing is needed outside of this scope, midwives consult with and refer to doctors for more specialized care.

  • During pregnancy, clients continue to see their family doctor or specialist physician for health issues unrelated to pregnancy.

  • Midwives have a 42% lower caesarean section (C-section) rate than the provincial average. However, in certain circumstances a caesarean birth may be recommended as a safer option than a vaginal birth. Your midwives will be involved in the decision making process and will consult with an obstetrician. Your midwives will be present during a caesarean birth and for healthy baby care afterwards.

  • Doulas do not provide medical care. Midwives are trained to provide all necessary medical care and to monitor the health and well-being of you and your baby.

    Doulas work as a part of the team, with a midwife or doctor and nurse. Doulas provide continuous emotional and physical support and are a positive addition to the birth team for clients who want extra support. For more information about Doulas, please visit the BC Doula Services Association. If you or your partner are Aboriginal, you qualify for a free Doula through the BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres.

  • While we prioritize families in our South Okanagan community, we do have clients travel from Kelowna for care if we have space when you are due. We do not have privileges at Kelowna General Hospital. If you live in Kelowna, you will need to travel to Penticton for all prenatal visits, your birth, and most postpartum visits. We do not attend homebirths in Kelowna. If you would like to plan an out-of-hospital birth with our team and you live in Kelowna, you will need to find an option within 30 minutes of Penticton Regional Hospital (we can recommend some options to you).